Freedom Fighting Atilis Gym Chooses to Accept Crypto Donations- BCH Supporters Set Gym Up With an Uncensorable Fundraiser

After the co-owner of the Atilis Gym in New Jersey appeared on TV and told the public the state confiscated over $173k from the gym owner’s bank account, Ian Smith revealed Atilis Gym has now set up a crypto wallet. Smith explained that a number of people didn’t want to donate using the Gofundme platform, so peer-to-peer electronic cash supporters created a proposal on the permissionless fundraising application, Flipstarter, so people can donate bitcoin cash toward the gym owner’s legal efforts.

Uncensorable Money Advocates Help Atilis Gym Owners

Just recently, reported on the Atilis Gym in New Jersey owned by Ian Smith and his business partner, Frank Trumbetti. Last week, Smith told the public that New Jersey’s (NJ) Governor Philip Murphy seized the gym’s legal defense funds during the gym owner’s appeals process. The state took $173,613.60 according to Smith, and the Atilis Gym co-owner appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson in order to tell his story.

The state of New Jersey (NJ), NJ Governor Philip Murphy, and the State Health Commissioner have disrupted the business operations for Atilis Gym co-owners Frank Trumbetti (left) and Ian Smith (right). Atilis Gym doesn’t comply with NJ Covid-19 rules enforced by the state. For instance, the owners do not mandate that gym patrons have to wear a mask. Because of this, Atilis Gym has been fined by NJ at $15k per day, and just recently Smith accused the state of seizing $173k.

During Smith’s conversation with Tucker, the two discussed accepting cryptocurrencies in order for the gym owners to protect themselves from another form of asset seizure. The Atilis Gym co-owner told Tucker that setting up a cryptocurrency account was a frequent recommendation.

Following the story, founder Roger Ver shared a video on Twitter that explains what happened to the Atilis Gym owner’s legal defense funds. Ver further explained in his tweet:

It’s time for the world to switch from censorable banks and Gofundme to uncensorable peer-to-peer electronic cash and Flipstartercash.

Moreover, Ver shared a Flipstarter fundraising link with the video called the “Atilis Gym Patriots Bitcoin Cash Fundraiser.” The Flipstarter fundraiser aims to raise approximately 42 BCH or more than $20k using today’s BCH exchange rates. At the time of publication, the Atilis Gym Flipstarter has raised 24.96 BCH or just over $12k so far.

‘People Take Care of Each Other Way Better Than Big Government Can’

The Atilis Gym co-owner also tweeted about the help his business received from BCH proponents looking to assist the gym.

Ian Smith tweeted on Sunday:

These guys are incredible. They heard about what happened with the illegal asset seizure and helped the Atilis Gym set up a crypto wallet and have started a fundraiser for us. Once again showing that people can take care of each other way better than big government can.

The Atilis Gym Patriots Bitcoin Cash Fundraiser held on the Flipstarter platform.

In another tweet, the Atilis Gym co-owner said that a “number of people who wanted to donate to our cause did not want to use the banks or Gofundme.” So @be_cashy set us up a crypto-based Fundraiser. Big shout out to these guys,” Smith added. A number of BCH supporters were thrilled to hear about Atilis Gym being set up with a crypto account and a fundraiser on Flipstarter.

“If you keep your money in bitcoin cash, they can’t steal it,” the BCH supporter David Bond wrote to Smith on Twitter. “You can spend it on gift cards or on – offer to pay your lawyer in Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin is freedom money,” he added.

The fundraiser creator on Flipstarter explains why the donation portal was created as it serves a dual purpose. “After reading about the unjust treatment of Atilis gym and seizure of their funds by government thugs, we decided to do something about it,” the Atilis Gym fundraiser description on Flipstarter notes. “We’re raising funds for Atilis. Rather than fiat money that can be seized by unaccountable tyrants, we’re talking about non-confiscatable bitcoin cash.”

The Flipstarter description further states:

We’re hoping this fundraiser will serve a dual purpose. First, to help the brave heroes at Atilis who are standing up against unconstitutional and unscientific lockdowns, and second to spread awareness about cryptocurrency. It’s time for people everywhere to drop the banks and take control of their own money. 100% of funds raised will be donated to Atilis.

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Individuals can also see a variety of individuals who have already donated to the Atilis BCH fund on Flipstarter. One individual, the BCH proponent, Marc De Mesel, donated a whopping 20.50 BCH to the Atilis Gym’s cause and litigation costs.

“I admire gym guys,” De Mesel wrote after donating. “Courageous to refuse masks and stand up to the police,” the investor added.

What do you think about the Atilis Gym owner’s problems with the state? What do you think about them accepting cryptocurrencies like bitcoin cash? Let us know in the comments section below.



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