Category: Sponsored Stories

  • Bitcoin and Market-Related Headlines Dominated Crypto News Coverage in 2018

    Bitcoin and Market-Related Headlines Dominated Crypto News Coverage in 2018

    2018 was a crazy year for cryptocurrency enthusiasts as markets dropped significantly in value, but there were still plenty of sensational headlines to capture attention in a period when digital currency news coverage changed drastically. According to statistics from Cryptocompare and alternative research from other sources, media crypto narratives have evolved rapidly. Also read: Openbazaar’s New…

  • New Service Offers Dapps a Turnkey Compliance and Liquidity Solution

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. In the United States, most states classify anyone who receives and transmits money to another location by any means as a “money transmitter.” But while they might agree…

  • Digital Gold Exchange Enters Cryptocurrency Market with a Strong Focus on Ecosystem

    This is a sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. Digital Gold Exchange (DGE), a blockchain-based, online/offline electronic gold exchange based in South Korea, listed its cryptocurrency, TMTG (The Midas Gold Touch), on the IDCM Exchange in Hong Kong…

  • MECA Casino: Bringing Transparency to the Gaming Industry

    This is a sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. The gaming industry first took flight several decades ago, with casinos being established at numerous tourist locations around the world. More recently though, with the advent of the internet,…

  • Buddy Takes dApps across Chains and Protocols

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. The near future is certain; fragmentation upon fragmentation. Where we are today and will remain for some time, Blockchain projects are developing and creating their own decentralized infrastructure…

  • Industry Pioneer, Bitcoin PR Buzz Offers Free Consultations to Blockchain Platforms in Its Summer Campaign

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. With restrictions on running cryptocurrency-related ads on major social media and other platforms, it is becoming ever more important for blockchain organizations to have strategic marketing and PR…

  • Cuprum Token to Offer Investors to Profit on Copper Market

    This is a sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. Cuprum Group, a metals mining company, will be introducing a digital token designed to give investors a chance to earn rewards based on the rising demand for copper. The…

  • Top 5 Coins to Watch in 2018

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. In the last few months, the crypto market has confirmed one thing: cryptocurrencies are not for the faint-hearted. After reaching an all-time high at the beginning of 2018,…

  • New Platform Can Make Useless Loyalty Reward Points a Digital Asset Using Blockchain

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. To change the global loyalty rewards program industry, the Gabrotech startup is developing several services — all combined into one platform — that enable users to turn casual…

  • Statx Announces Mobile Application in Competition with Telegram and Courts Top Coin Companies

    This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below. Sharing information, messaging and security features were some of the iconic features that were introduced by Telegram, the UK-based service. But, with the passage of time, the online…