Ethereum now and then: A 10-year look back

I started working on Ethereum in 2014. The subsequent 10 years in blockchain have been strange — disappointing in some ways but amazing in others.

Ethereum (ETH) was conceived in late 2013 and launched in July 2015. I got my start working on Ethereum in summer 2014, which makes it a seemingly unfathomable 10 years in the space. When such milestones pass it can be useful to check in on what we expected versus what actually transpired.

Blockchains have strong network effects, almost by definition. As such, one might expect there to be a handful of blockchains or even a single blockchain where the bulk of end-user activity occurs. Ethereum was created, in part, as “one chain to rule them all,” in contrast with the practice at the time of making a new blockchain for each new feature.

Social networks and stock markets show consolidation behavior — we get approximately one popular social network per purpose (X/Twitter — text, Instagram — images, YouTube — video, and so on). The United States has two popular stock markets. Most countries have one or none, with only the top 20 or so really being globally significant. In contrast, there are approximately 2.5 million cryptocurrencies — up a factor of five from 2021. While many of these coins and chains may not see heavy use, there are more than 50 with a market cap in the billions as of September 2024.

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