TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role

On January 28-29, 2021, The North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) is preparing to kick off its eighth exhibition with another cryptocurrency and blockchain-focused event. The event organizers have lined up more speakers than ever, as this year’s TNABC is going to be 100% virtual due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. TNABC’s creators say that this year has truly shown us all “how resilient a global crypto economy can be.”

The North American Bitcoin Conference is coming back full throttle this year, as organizers say the team has curated a line-up of some of the biggest names in the crypto and blockchain industry. This year’s TNABC will be the event’s eighth annual conference, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made it so 2021’s TNABC will be hosted online. The hardships have been difficult this year, but there’s still a great need to press on in order to spread the benefits of these extraordinary technologies far and wide.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role

“With cryptocurrencies reaching all-time highs, it’s our responsibility to share knowledge and make sense of the ever-changing global landscape,” the 2021 TNABC website notes. During the last seven years, The North American Bitcoin Conference has hosted a wide range of speakers from crypto company executives, venture capitalists, blockchain developers, and the movers and shakers making things happen in the blockchain space.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role
The North American Bitcoin Conference 2021 speakers.

2021’s TNABC event page details that the team of organizers lined up a myriad of big name speakers from around the world to “deliver a compact masterclass on the state of cryptocurrency.”

Well known crypto and blockchain evangelists speaking at this year’s TNABC include’s founder Roger Ver, IOHK founder Charles Hoskinson, Monero core developer Riccardo Spagni, Polymath CEO Trevor Koverko, OB1 CEO Brian Hoffman, blockchain entrepreneur Brock Pierce, founder and political activist Lyn Ulbricht, Edge founder and CEO Paul Puey, Binary Financial’s Harry Yeh, Bloq chairman and cofounder Matthew Roszak, and Bitwage founder and CEO Jonathan Chester.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role
The North American Bitcoin Conference 2021 speakers.

This week, TNABC host and Keynote founder and CEO, Moe Levin, discussed the upcoming virtual conference with “The fact that we are all able to join this event, many at short notice, from all over the globe, most if not all of our plans made from our phones, shows me how rapidly our world has changed in recent years and what an important role technology now plays in our lives,” Levin said. “It also shows me how ready the world is for a new technology that is as international and as mobile and as easy as the rest of the technology in our lives.”

The TNABC host and Keynote founder added:

It shows me that it’s time to move forward with blockchain and cryptocurrencies and give the world a technology befitting of our current age. And thanks to the great reception we’re seeing online, it shows me that others feel the same way.

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TNABC organizers also detailed that even though participants can’t have a drink together in Miami, the event will still host online networking. In addition to keynote speakers, the conference will also focus on debates between global change-makers, thought leaders, and industry insiders. readers can obtain tickets to TNABC 2021 here and after acquiring a pass, participants will get a unique join code and link to register on the event platform on January 25-26, 2021. TNABC organizers have also created a comprehensive guide and what to expect at this year’s conference.

What do you think about the 2021 TNABC event? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.



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